157th Gala Celebration


157th Celebration of the Mimes and Mummers
Saturday, April 20, 2013
Collins Auditorium
5 p.m. – 11:00 p.m.

Jubliee: Mimes & Mummers Champagne Toast
Saturday, June 2, 2013
Collins Auditorium
4:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.

Annual Summer Social
Date, Time, Location - TBD

Get Connected

We are asking Mimes Alums to give of themselves to ensure the Mimes and Mummers club continues to be ever better. We ask that you give what you can, either your ideas, your enthusiasm, your expertise, your generosity, or your time.

Mentoring Program
Mimes have carved out careers in a wide variety of fields-law, education, finance, the arts. As mentors we can help a current senior or recent grad navigate their way in their chosen profession.
If you are interested in being a mentor, please contact Dennis McCarthy at DennisM@mimesalums.org


Through Fordham's Annual Fund appeal, you can designate your gift to "The Mimes & Mummers Fund". Please see our “Make a Gift” section for further details. Note: these gifts made to the Mimes through Fordham are eligible for tax deductions according to IRS codes.

The current Mimes and Mummers are always looking for donations of theater supplies, clothing, sets, props, etc. Please contact any officer of the MMAA Board if you would like to help in this way.

MMAA hosts various events throughout the year. Please see our “Events” tab and like the Mimes and Mummers Alumni Association page on Facebook to stay connected with up-to-the-minute information on how to stay connected to your fellow Mimes.
Jubilee: If you are attending Jubilee please be sure to check your schedule for the timing of the Mimes and Mummers Champagne Toast in Collins.

Make a Gift

Through Fordham's Annual Fund appeal, you can designate your gift to "The Mimes & Mummers Fund". The words "The Mimes & Mummers Fund" must appear in the memo section of your check, or in the case of a credit card donation, on the reply form. Gifts made to this fund can be used exclusively by the Mimes based on their immediate needs: royalties, directors' salaries, material, costumes, etc. These gifts made to the Mimes through Fordham are eligible for tax deductions according to IRS codes.

Online Donations Here

Gifts in Kind: While we build our association there may be a need for extra funding to support start up costs. Please contact any officer of the MMAA Board if you would like to help in this way.

Just some of our generous donors are listed here:

Bank of America National Trust & Savings Corporation
Mr. Albert J. Bartosic
Mr. Thomas F. Beck, Jr.
Ms. Sally C. Benner
John V. Bivona, Esq.
Mrs. Christine H. Boris-Codan
Mr. Timothy D. Burns
Mr. Thomas J. Chromey
Mr. Christopher T. Cooper
Mr. Joseph P. Cristiano
Mr. Kevin J. Cristiano
Laura Byrne-Cristiano
Mr. Joseph A. Cronin
Mr. James A. de Prophetis, Jr.
Mr. Thomas A. Digiovanni
Mr. Steven R. DiSalvo
Mr. Ethan J. Downing
Mary E. Dunn, Esq.
Mr. Norman L. Duttweiler
Mr. Terence W. Engle
Mr. Christopher J. Falco
Ms. Margaret Ferguson Boyd
Michael T. Fois, Esq.
Mrs. Laura Fois Bosley
Mrs. Heather Fournier Truscinski
Ms. Joan M. Garry
Mr. Thomas B. Gilshannon
Ms. Patricia M. Gorman
Mrs. Karen O. Hahner
Mr. Patrick Harrington
Maura A. Healy, Esq.
Mr. John M. Higgins
J.P. Morgan Chase Foundation
Mrs. Andrea Kane
Mr. Gerald Karr
Mr. Timothy J. Kelley
Mrs. Jennifer H. Killelea
Mrs. Amelia Konopka Alapati
Ms. Mary Kathleen Kramer
Edward K. Lenci, Esq.
Mr. Nicholas Leshi
Mr. Stephen P. Love
Ms. Nicole M. Mancuso
Mr. James P. Manousos
Mr. Vincent C. Marano
Mr. Richard A. Mayora
Mr. Dennis D. McCarthy
Patrick McGlone, Jr. Esq.
Robert L. McLaughlin, Ph.D.
Ms. Natalie M. Medaglio
Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc.
Mr. Kevin J. Metzing, R.N.
Rev. James J. Miracky, S.J.
Mr. Jacob D. Mogray
Ms. Gail B. Molinari
Mr. Michael F. Mullen
Sally E. Parry, Ph.D.
Mr. Paul J. Pelkonen
Miss Kathleen M. Phillips
Mr. Francis S. Quinn, Jr.
Mr. Joseph Thomas Reiman
Raymond B. Ritchel, Jr. Esq.
Mr. Robert V. Sabatelli
Ms. Elizabeth A. Sabo
Michael J. Scotti, Jr., M.D.
Mr. Giacomo Selloni
Mr. John Peter Shambo
Miss Alexandra M. Shepherd
Mr. Douglas J. Sterner
Anna Marie Stewart, Ph.D.
Mr. Denis P. Sweeney
Ms. Carolyn A. Szala
Mr. John N. Tognino
Mr. Mark E. Truscinski
Brian K. Valentine, Esq.

Current Mimes Season

2012 – 2013 Mimes and Mummers Season

Dirty Rotten Scoundrels
October 11th- 14th, 2012
Music and lyrics by David Yazbek
Book by Jeffrey Lane

39 Steps
November 15th -18th, 2012
Adapted from the 1915 novel by John Buchan and the 1935 film by Alfred Hitchcock
Adaptation by Patrick Barlow

February 28th - March 3rd, 2013
Music and lyrics by Stephen Sondheim
Book by John Weidman

The Shape of Things
April 11th - April 14th, 2013
Written by Neil LaBute

See here for more information about current Mimes productions: http://www.themimesandmummers.com/upcoming-events--announcements.html


Section I.1. - NAME: The association’s full name is The Mimes and Mummers Alumni Association of Fordham University (referred to herein also as “MMAAFU”).

Section I.2. - PURPOSE: We foster fellowship among Fordham University graduates who, as students and graduates of Fordham University, were members of The Mimes and Mummers of Fordham University, and we support the theatre arts tradition on the Rose Hill campus of Fordham University.

Section II.1. – GENERAL MEMBERSHIP REQUIREMENTS: The Mimes and Mummers Alumni Association recognizes as a member one who was in good standing as a participant in an artistic, production, or technical capacity on at least one Mimes and Mummers show while she or he was a student at Fordham University. The Mimes and Mummers Alumni Association will not restrict membership based upon national origin, race, religion, creed, gender, sexual orientation, age or physical handicap.

Section II.2. – MEMBERSHIP REQUIREMENTS FOR OFFICERS: Members qualify for an executive position by historical demonstration of support for the Mimes and Mummers Alumni Association of Fordham University and recorded attendance at a minimum of two MMAAFU events in any one year (for example: annual membership meeting, alumni-student reunion, a performance of a Mimes and Mummers production, etc.).

Section II.3. – DUTIES OF THE OFFICERS: The Executive Board of The Mimes and Mummers Alumni Association of Fordham University consists of five alumni of the Mimes and Mummers who are graduates of Fordham University. The Executive Board also includes as a member the current President of the Mimes and Mummers of Fordham University in an ex officio role. It is a requirement of elected members of the Executive Board to attend meetings of the Executive Board.
The positions, their duties, and terms of office are as follows:

President: The President is responsible for building awareness of The Mimes & Mummers Alumni Association of Fordham University to increase its membership and to foster fellowship among its members; directing fundraising initiatives undertaken to raise support for The Mimes & Mummers of Fordham University; calling, setting and facilitating the agenda of meetings of the Executive Board and meetings of the General Membership. The President, along with the Vice-President, is responsible for the activities of The Mimes and Mummers Alumni Association. The President acts as a liaison between the club and The Office of Alumni Relations and University Development of Fordham University as well as other offices of the University Administration. It is the responsibility of the President to monitor the club in its entirety. (Term: Two years)

Vice-President: The Vice-President, along with the President, is responsible for the activities of The Mimes and Mummers Alumni Association. The Vice-President organizes, oversees and administers the activities of The Mimes and Mummers Alumni Association. For each MMAAFU activity, the Vice-President is required to publicize the event to the University Administration, the University community, the Mimes and Mummers of Fordham University, and the MMAAFU membership through use of current communications methods. (Term: Two years)

Secretary: The primary responsibility of the Secretary is to notify the MMAAFU membership of meetings called by the MMAAFU Executive Board. The Secretary is required to take minutes at every meeting when the Executive Board deems it necessary and submit the minutes to the Executive Board within 60 days of the meeting. (Term: One year)

Finance Officer/Treasurer: The Finance Officer is responsible for the operating budget of The Mimes & Mummers Alumni Association of Fordham University. The Finance Officer also collects and turns in receipts in accordance with the University reimbursement policy. The Finance Officer reports the financial status of the MMAAFU to the Executive Board at each meeting and to the General Membership once a year. (Term: One year)
Development Chair: The Development Chair, operating with the consensus of the Executive Board and the Office of Alumni Relations and University Development, manages the fundraising initiatives undertaken by MMAAFU to support The Mimes and Mummers of Fordham University. To this end, the Development Chair acts as a liaison between the Executive Board of the MMAAFU, the Office of Alumni Relations and University Development, the Office of Student Activities, and The Mimes and Mummers of Fordham University. (Term: One year)
Current Mimes President (Ex Officio): The Current President of The Mimes and Mummers of Fordham University serves as liaison between the student Mimes group and the MMAAFU. He or she attends the Executive Board meetings and the annual General Membership meeting to report on the activities of the Mimes and Mummers and to communicate to the alumni membership the needs of the student group.
Section III.1 – APPOINTMENT OF OFFICERS: In February, at least 60 calendar days before the General Meeting, a call for nominations to the Executive Board will be mailed to each member of The Mimes & Mummers Alumni Association who have been identified and recorded as such by Fordham University. The election for the new Executive Board will be held in April on a date to be determined by the current Executive Board. It is the President’s responsibility to contact the General Membership to inform them of the date, methods, and location of voting.
Section III.2. - RE-ELECTION OF OFFICERS: Officers may serve in any one position for a maximum of two consecutive terms after which time they will be eligible for nomination and election to another position on the Executive Board.

Section III.3. - PROCEDURE OF ELECTIONS: The President is responsible for running the elections.
Section III.3.a. - ELIGIBILITY TO VOTE: Any general member is eligible to run for the Executive Board. In order to be considered for the Executive Board one must be nominated by two MMAAFU members. Once the nominee accepts his or her nomination, he or she is asked to make a statement about his or her candidacy to the General Membership.
Section III.3.b.  - DATE OF ELECTION: The Election will take place at a meeting of the General Membership in April. Vote-by-mail or fax with evidence of a member’s signature will be accepted until Noon on the day of the Election. Each position will be voted on independently, and will begin in the order of: President, Vice-President, Secretary, Finance Officer, and Development Chair. An officer of the Office of Alumni Relations and University Development and an outgoing member of the Executive Board, or a neutral individual, will be responsible for tallying the votes at the meeting of the General Membership.
SECTION III.3.c. - VOTING PROCEDURE: At the meeting each Executive Board position open for election will be voted on separately. Each proposed amendment will be voted on separately after a period of discussion until the President calls for a vote that is affirmed by a second and third member. If, after counting the votes of those present at the Annual Meeting of the General Membership and absentee ballots, there is a tie in the election of officers a second ballot of those present will be conducted. If a tie remains, the candidates’ names will be pooled privately (e.g. hat, bowl, opaque bag) and a mutually agreed-upon neutral individual will draw one name to declare the winner.
Section III.4.  - BOARD TRANSITION PERIOD: After the elections are concluded, the outgoing Executive Board trains the incoming Executive Board. During this transition period, the outgoing and the incoming boards are all considered equal board members. New Executive Board members take office on July 1st, the first day of Fordham University’s academic calendar.
Section III.5.  - VACANCY PROCEDURES:  In the event of a vacancy on the Executive Board an interim appointment may be made with collaboration between the Executive Board and the Office of Alumni Relations and University Development based on an alumnus’ seniority in active membership in MMAAFU and evidence of support of the association. The alumnus will hold the interim position until the next annual general membership meeting after nominations are submitted and upon election of officers, to take effect on July 1st. The interim officer will be eligible to run for the position.

Section IV.1.  - GROUNDS FOR DISMISSAL: An officer would be subject to immediate dismissal for an egregious abuse or misuse of office that is counter to MMAAFU’s purpose and mission, or defames the association, or negatively impacts the Mimes and Mummers student group, or Fordham University, or is a criminal act.
Section IV.2  - IMPEACHMENT PROCEDURE: The Officers of MMAAFU and the Office of Alumni Relations and University Development would conduct the impeachment procedure. There would be an immediate call for an emergency meeting of the membership to vote on the impeachment of the offending officer. A two-thirds majority vote by the members present at the emergency meeting would be required to carry the motion in favor of impeachment.


Section V.1.  - EXECUTIVE BOARD MEETINGS: The Executive Board will meet as often as necessary. There will be a minimum of two Executive Board meetings per calendar year.
Section V.2. – CALLING MEETINGS OF THE EXECUTIVE BOARD: The President will call the meetings of the Executive Board.
Section V.3. - QUORUM: The quorum for an Executive Board meeting will be three of the five members, which must include the President. The quorum for a meeting of the General Membership is two-thirds of those members of MMAAFU present at the Annual Meeting of the General Membership, which must include the President. If there is not a reasonable number of members in attendance to conduct a fair and representative vote for officers or amendments at the meeting, at the discretion of the Executive Board in collaboration with the Office of Alumni Relations and University Development, the proposed docket will be tabled and either a Special Meeting of the membership will be called by the Executive Board for debate and a vote within 10 days of the Annual Meeting of the General Membership, or the proposed amendment will expire but be eligible for nomination for vote again at a future Annual Meeting of the General Membership.
Section V.4.  - GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETINGS: The General Membership will meet annually in April to vote on the new Executive Board and any proposed amendments to the Bylaws presented to the membership. It is the responsibility of the President to inform the membership of the meeting.


Section VI.1.  - PROPOSITIONS: Any amendment to the Bylaws must be proposed and voted on at the Annual Meeting of the General Membership. The amendment must be proposed to the General Membership simultaneous with the proposal of the slate of candidates for election to the Executive Board.
Section VI.2.  - VOTING ON AMENDMENTS: The amendment shall be voted on at the next Annual Meeting of the General Membership and must pass with at least a two-thirds vote of the members present. All amendment additions or deletions must be filed with the Office of Alumni Relations and University Development within one week of adoption. The Office of Alumni Relations and University Development must agree to any and all changes prior to adoption. Any and all changes will follow the same process as the Alumni Organization Registration Policy of Fordham University. Amendments and/or changes in the Bylaws are official and take effect only upon the approval of the Director of Alumni Relations.

The Bylaws of The Mimes and Mummers Alumni Association of Fordham University were created and agreed upon on December 16, 2004 by Mimes and Mummers alumni: Amelia Alapati FCO ’83; Sally Benner FCO ’84; Timothy Kelley FCO ’81; Richard Mayora FCO ’81; Kevin Metzing CBA ’84; Kathy Phillips FCO ’83; Jennifer Saeger FCO ’02; and Sara Zick ‘01.

Famous Mimes

Alan Alda
William Windom

Ed Kelleher

Tod Engle

Cardinal Francis Spellman

Charles Walcott

John McGiver

Pat Harrington

Valerie Smaldone

Martin Glynn

Joseph Fechteler

Richard Breen

Daniel Harrington

John Hamilton

Philip LeStrange

Edward Kelleher


150th Gala Celebration

The 150th anniversary gala celebration of the Mimes and Mummers, Rose Hill’s theater troupe, was held in Collins Auditorium on Saturday, April 8, 2006. More than a year in planning, the celebration attracted approximately 150 Fordham alumni, representing five decades, who were members of the extracurricular theater group during their years at Rose Hill. The extended reunion weekend kicked off on Friday as Mimes alumni trickled into Collins throughout the day to rehearse numbers they would perform the next evening. Amid squeals of reunion were squints of attempted recognition of old friends, as this was the first time many had returned to the Rose Hill campus since their graduation.

Events on Saturday afternoon began with a special Mass officiated by Mimes alumnus James Miracky, S.J. (FCRH ’83), in the University Church. Alumni then walked to the adjacent Collins Auditorium to join friends for performances by Mimes alumni reprising musical numbers they performed on stage as undergraduates. The entire cast of 30 performers took the stage for a curtain-call finale of Steven Sondheim’s song “Old Friends.” Vinnie Marano (FCRH ’82) directed the evening’s performances.

Interspersed between the numbers were special tributes in memory of Collins legend Vaughn Deering, who served as a speech instructor and the troupe’s artistic director during the 1950s and 1960s, and to John Leonard, S.J., who commemorates his 60th year of involvement in theater at Collins and Fordham Prep this year.
 Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Jeanmarie Beier (CBA ’06), the 2005-2006 president of the Mimes and Mummers, and Ethan Downing (FCRH ’06) sign the commemorative 150th anniversary alumni tributes mural. photos by Kevin Metzing (CBA ’84)
Prior to the performance, the Mimes and Mummers Alumni Association (MMAA) announced the successful completion of a campaign to raise $25,000 for a new light board system in Collins Auditorium. Mimes alumnus Ed Lenci (FCRH ’85) inspired the fund-raising campaign last fall, when he offered to make a gift of $12,500 toward a new light board if the association could raise the funds to match his generosity dollar for dollar. Gifts continued to arrive after the April gala, allowing the association to surpass its goal by 12 percent. A committee co-chaired by Kathy Phillips (FCRH ’83) and Tim Kelley (FCRH ’81), and comprised of the members of the MMAA executive board and 11 additional Mimes alumni, collaborated for one year to create and stage the gala celebration. Kelley also researched and wrote a rich history of the Mimes and Mummers, which was given to attendees in a commemorative souvenir program. (Click here to view the program.) 
During the gala, the association also held elections for its 2006-2007 executive board. The new board is comprised of Laura Fois Bosley (FCRH ’87), president; Tod Engle (FCRH’79), vice president; Laura Byrne Cristiano (FCRH ’88), secretary; Dennis McCarthy (FCRH ’02), development chair; and Kevin Metzing (CBA ’84), treasurer.
The Mimes and Mummers Alumni Association was formed in 2004 to bring Mimes alumni back in touch with each other and with Fordham, and to provide a mentoring network to current students pursuing the performing arts or any other kind of career. Alumni who wish to get involved can get in touch with any member of the executive board through contact information available on the association’s website,  www.mimesalums.org.

—Sally Benner (FCRH ’84) served as the founding president of the Mimes and Mummers Alumni Association from 2004 to 2006.

This article was reprinted with the kind permission of Sally Benner. It originally appeared on the Fordham University website and in the Fordham Alumni magazine.

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